Potomac Flute festival, event schedule is ready
Mark your calendars now if you have not already done so! The POTOMAC NATIVE AMERICAN FLUTE FESTIVAL is
Website: Potomacflutecircle.net - link to your right
[I was an attendee of this event last year and I can say that it is great in every way. The college department setting provides for great contact with presenters and vendors as well as fellow fluties. Concerts include top name performers with expert sound and acoustics. Many of these same performers are in workshops with you or teaching them, which makes for a very enriching experience. Every vendor donates a raffle item to the event and some wonderful items are raffled to support festival expenses. This years event has included some exposure to bansuri and fujara style flutes and didgeridoo which I think is a really great thing. I am already registered and willing to share a ride with interested circle members, email me]
Our Friday evening concert will feature a wonderful line up including special guests Michael Graham Allen (Coyote Oldman),
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday workshops will include presentations on topics such as flute playing, ethnic flutes, early flute history, recording, flute and fiddle, and composing. There will also be a participant's recital on Sunday. More than TEN flute makers and others will be selling their fantastic flutes
and CD's!! No doubt this will likely be the best East Coast Native American flute buying opportunity in 2007!! For more information, please visit: www.potomacflutecircle.net. The
Registration information Contact: Angel Cruz ~
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