Thursday, December 07, 2006

Flutes go to school

Just a quick update - my son and I are playing didge and flute at a few local schools and trying to get anyone who will listen with a breif history, mechanics and song session. Doing NAF flute and didge in the same session can be tight but it is fun to see the reactions to such different and yet similar instruments. Last session, when these photos were taken the kids got to dance to the beat they felt in the playing and it looked like a bag of popcorn popping! Very fun stuff.

Also a fun note for this coming weekends flute circle meeting: The Celtic group Blackbirds and Thrushes will present two performances of its Heritage Holiday Concert as part of the 2006-2007 Concert Series at the Randolph County Community Arts Center. The first holiday concert is on Saturday, December 9th at 8pm followed by a second concert on Sunday, December 10th at 3pm. This provides an additional benefit to being in Elkins for the weekend and promises some great flute playing.